Sunday, January 24, 2016

July 23, 2015: A modest ride to Fengyuan for KOM preparations

Garmin Activity:
50km, 1h59, elevation 415m

I kept it calm for this ride, because I would have a very big cycling race in just two days. I went to Fengyuan today to make some arrangements for my trip to Hualien. 

I went to Shalu and from there Qingshui. I wanted to ride that Aofeng bicycle path.

I passed the Aofeng park.

Listening to some music on a relaxing ride. With average temperatures of 35 degrees I was not cold.

The official name for this cycling path is the Dayang cycling path. It runs from Qingshui city center to the railway station next to the Dajia river.

This is a tranquil road with little traffic. It has a steady ascent of 2-3%. It does have 12% at some spots.

The Aofeng mountain is located on the ride. It was hard to take a clear picture of it like this.

This path is only 4km, but it does ascend

I only discovered this one recently. It prolongs my road to Fengyuan, but nice to avoid more crowded streets.

Beautiful view over Qingshui. It is funny how destiny has brought me to Qingshui several times. The first time was in 2012, then it was 2014. Pretty bizarre.

I think this is a freeway tunnel.

When I arrived in Fengyuan, I arranged my train ticket with Mr. Yang. It was around 800 yuan, but it was a good connection between Fengyuan and Hualien city. Then we were chatting about how I would perform in the race. The Guofa shop owner said that I would at least be in the top ten. They were kind enough to give me some small sponsoring. It was nice of them.

I went home earlier than I did normally. It was still full daylight when I left. I wanted to go to bed early. After all, that train was already at seven thirty and I needed to cycle there from Shalu. I cycled back over the Tan-ya-shen cycle path and returned home the coolest way, using one of Metropolitan Garden's steep alleys.

On top of Metropolitan Garden. It was about 1200 meters of steep descent and I would find myself very close to home. It was a modest day today, but greatness would follow in the next few days.

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