I planned to do a nice ride in the Xinshe area today, but it abruptly ended because of heavy rainfall. I woke up in Fengyuan and hit the road somewhere after eight. I first cycled to Fengyuan boulevard and to Shuijing.
Wuniulan river, this is where the climb up Wanli Changcheng commences. The first part is the steepest

At this moment I was unaware of what would happen. It was a regular morning with a nice view over Xinshe.

Starting the day in Fengyuan definitely has its benefits! All these mountain roads are very close all of the sudden.

From the top of Wanli Changcheng i descended to Zhongxingling. I noticed it started raining. I decided to hide at the 7-11 there.
I had a hot coco and a snack there. Weather did not look good and I had to wait. I had a second coco...
When the rain stopped, I hit the road once more. But that was only a short lived joy. I found myself in a heavy downpour. I sought a rooftop to hide under. I spent a long time hiding it out, it really took a long time. I cancelled my trip I had planned and decided to just head back to Fengyuan after the rain. When it would ever stop
I did not want to feel too bored, so I took snapshots of my immediate surroundings...
My precious Specialized Sirrus with 30 mm tires, they provided me all the grip I needed.
Trapped in Xinshe during a heavy rainfall. With the roads so wet, there was really no need to look for steeper hills and descents. But on the other hand, it has been extremely dry in Taiwan, to the extent that the reservoirs are almost empty. This rainfall was in fact needed a lot.
My Specialized Sirrus, already more than 4000 km on it and counting.

When that rain finally stopped, I descended to Shigang. There I sought the cycling path which would surely be for me only on this bad weather day. The rain was so intense that the leaves were lying all over the place.

The Dongfeng cycling path in Shigang, crowded with families on a weekend day, empty and deserted on this rainy ordinary weekday.

I took a brief look at the Shigang dam. Sure it collected enough water today
I am singing in the rain

The map of the Shigang cycling path.
I went to Fengyuan for tea and lunch and later that day I went to Taichung for teaching.
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