Garmin Activity:
184km, 7h42, elevation 2650m
I got word from the US that I would be getting the exact same color and size S-Works Roubaix frame, but it would take another two weeks before it would land in Taiwan, In other words, today's ride would still have to be done on my flatbar. I wanted to do some road I had not done yet. Checking the map of Central Taiwan, I decided that would be Nantou-80. On several rides, I would go from Puli to Dongshi via Hwy 21. Just before entering Guoxing city, there is a small road that leads to the Huisun Linchang Forest Area 惠蓀林場. I had never done it before, so perfect for today's ride.
For today's road I used my recently purchased Garmin 500. I did not need navigation for this ride as everything was on the map and I knew the roads. I did the usual, going from Shalu to Fengyuan, on to Dongshi, Hwy 8 to the Heping bridge. That's where I started my climb up Hwy 21 to Baimaoshan.

At the Heping bridge, Hwy 21's 13km mark.

With that spectacular view over Heping, on to Guguan
I climbed to Baimaoshan, descended to Guoxing and had a first break at that Family Mart. I wanted to charge up my GPS there, but unfortunately because it that, it ended my recording. So I had to start with a new trip. Good thing I still use an ordinary bike computer, so I could reconstruct the data.

Enjoying my descent from Baimaoshan to Guoxing.

This Hwy 21 could be considered my territory
After my break I continued my ride along Hwy 21. There was an initial climb and then another downhill. I had to follow this road for another eight km and I would be at the entrance of Nantou-80. However, I saw a small lane here, Nantou-84 and I decided to check it out.

Just another tiny and tranquil cozy road
Getting lost in beautiful Nantou, the joys of my youth

It was only 4.5km so worst case scenario would be 9km. There were a few hills here. As you can see from the above sign, it connected Beigang village with Guoxing city, with the traditional communities along the road. What a tranquil place for living, truly genious!
I stopped by a small temple for some sightseeing. Nothing remarkable though.

I wonder what would be up there. More like an MTB chore though
That little road led to a cross section which indicated Guoxing road. I was not sure what to do so I headed back to Hwy 21.
The Beizun bike lane, something I would have to check out later. I saw online that it was a 15km cycle path constructed by the Guoxing township.
At the 28km mark, I found the entrance to Nantou-80, which would lead to Renai county. Some tunnels and aboriginal tribes along this road. This was clearly a very tranquil area.

Huisun Linchang, this way. There were a few descents and ascents here, and the road ran through some aboriginal villages
Welcome to Ren'ai county. When I saw this sign, I felt far away from home. Usually Ren'ai county only occurs on Wuling rides.
The distance within Nantou-80 was not super long, and eventually I made it to the entrance of the Huisun Linchang forest area.
Welcome to the Huisun Forest Area, also the end of Nantou-80
I had a quick word with the lady behind the glass. She informed me about the park and told me that there were buses from Taichung to here twice a day. Interesting for later perhaps. From there I went back to Guoxing and I had a second break at the same Family Mart.
The Family Mart where I have had dozens of breaks. When I was having my break there, I decided that I did not want to repeat the entire Hwy 21 again. Therefore I decided to do something more challenging: Nantou-97 to Xinshe Zhonghe. Now that is a cool road. Ten km pure uphill with some very steep gradients, one section even has 22% in there. No that's not 2,2
Making progress along ever steep Nantou-97
The last time I came here, the weather was terrible. Compared to that day, this was a walk in the park.
God I love tranquility and exploring
Must be someone's private property
Another side road to be explored...
Ten km of climbing accomplished, current altitude level 1060m, now it goes downhill until Xinshe. Enjoy the ride!
I cannot describe the mystery that surrounds this road. I have never experienced anything like it.
Late in the afternoon I made it back to Xinshe. I stopped for a small break at Zhongxingling's 7-11 and then I went to Fengyuan for tea. I went via Wanli Changcheng, Taichung-88. It was a nice ride full of exploring and sight seeing.